Jewish Dating Overview


The issue of intermarriage has evolved over the decades. Up until the 1970s or so, intermarriage was pretty universally seen as a one-way ticket out of the Jewish community, and, therefore, one of the community's biggest fears. In the decades since then, more and more Jews intermarry, but still want to be considered members of the tribe. Some see this as a problem, others see it as the inevitable result of assimilation into American society, and still another approach embraces the phenomenon as a desirable way to increase the number of Jews; the non-Jewish partner is seen as a potential convert or, at least, a fellow-traveller. This has led to new and changing attitudes towards inter-dating, with less of a stigma attached to it in some circles. The ever-growing acceptance of Jews as normative, active, equal members of American society means that more inter-dating takes place, and with it, more intermarriage. How we, as individuals and as a community,  respond to this is an ongoing debate. 

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